Dice roller documentation

edited June 2017 in General Discussion
1+2 - add (3)
1-2 - subtract (-1)
1*2 - multiply (2)
7+/3 - divide and round up (2.333 -> 3) 
7~/3 - divide and round up or down, whichever is closer  (2.333 -> 2) 
7/4 (or 7-/4) - divide and round down  (1.75 -> 1) 
7%4 - divide and get the remainder (3)
2+**-2 - 2 powered to -2, rounded up (0.25 -> 1)
2~**-2 - 2 powered to -2, rounded to whichever is closer (0.25 -> 0)
2**3 (or 2-**3) - 2 powered to 3, rounded down (8)

Basic dice rolling
2d6 - roll 2 dice of 6 faces (1 to 6)
2d[2..4]  - roll 2 dice with faces valued 2, 3, 4
2d[-1, 0, 1]  - roll 2 dice with faces valued -1, 0 and 1
2dF() - roll 2 fudge dice (same as 2d[-1, 0, 1]
2dUB() - roll 2 ubiquity dice (same as 2d[0, 1]

Exploding dice
5d6e - roll it exploding 6s (exploding means if you get a 6 reroll it and add it to the pool of results)
5d6eo - same as above, but each die can only be exploded once
5d6e(>=5) - roll it exploding 5s and 6s
5d6ep - penetrating exploding; roll it, but each exploding die has -1 each time it is exploded (can be used with 'o' at the end for once)
5d6ec - compounding exploding; roll it, but each exploding die is summed to count as a single big die (e.g, if you do 2d6ec and one of the die gets a 6, a 6 and a 5 that die will count as a 17)  (can be used with 'o' at the end for once)

Rerolling dice
5d6r - roll it rerolling 1s (rerolling replaces the old result with the new one)
5d6ro - same as above, but rerolling 1s can only be done once
5d6r(<=2) - roll it rerolling 1s and 2s

Operate over results
5d6{sum} - roll it and sum all results
5d6{+5} - roll it and add +5 to each result (any arithmetic operation is valid)
5d6{len} - the number of dice (5), not overly useful on its own, but can be chained

Count successes/failures
Note that successes count as 1, failures as -1 and neither as 0
5d6{>=4} - roll it and count results >= 4 as successes
5d6{>=4 - <=2} - roll it and count results >= 4 as successes and <= 2 as failures
5d6{>=4 or <=2} - roll it and count results that are  >= 4 or <= 2  as successes
5d6{>=3 and <=5} - roll it and count results that are both >= 4 and <= 5 (between 4 and 5)  as successes
5d6{>=4, <=2} - roll it and count separately results >= 4 and results <= 2

Drop highest/lowest
5d6{dl3} - roll it and drop the 3 lowest dice
5d6{dh3} - roll it and drop the 3 highest dice
5d6{d<=3} - roll it and drop any results <= 3

Keep highest/lowest
5d6{kl3} - roll it and keep the 3 lowest dice
5d6{kh3} - roll it and keep the 3 highest dice
5d6{k>=3} - roll it and keep any results >= 3

5d6{kh4}{/5} - roll it, keep highest 4 dice and then divide each one by 2
5d6{k>=4}{len} - roll it, keep dice >= 4 and then count how many dice are there (mostly the same as 5d6{>= 4} really)

Comparisons (cannot be used stand-alone)

>= 4 - greater or equal than 4
> 4 - greater than 4
== 4 - equals 4
!= 4 - not equals 4
< 4 - less than 4
<= 4 - less than or equals 4
>= 4 and <=6 - greater or equals to 4 and less or equals to 6
>=4 or <= 2 - greater or equals to 4 and less or equals to 2

Expressions such as 5d6 are ultimately expanded into arrays (e.g. [3, 3, 6, 1, 2])
[3..6] - 3 to 6, expands to [3, 4, 5, 6]
[4x3] - a 4 repeated 3 times, expands to [4, 4, 4]
[3, 3, 6, 1, 2]{kh2} - keep highest 2 values, so [3, 6]

Built-in value functions
COERCE_VALUE(1d6, 2, 4) - coerce the value between 1 and 6 to be >= 2 and <=4
MIN_VALUE(1d6, 1d6) - returns the min value between the 2 given
MAX_VALUE(1d6, 1d6) - returns the max value between the 2 given
ABS_VALUE(-5) - returns the absolute (positive) value (5 in this case)

Built-in array functions
COERCE_ARRAY(5d6, 2, 4) - roll it and make each value be between 2 and 4
SORTASC_ARRAY(5d6) - roll it and sort results from lowest to highest
SORTDESC_ARRAY(5d6) - roll it and sort results from highest to lowest
ABS_ARRAY(5d6) - roll it and make each value absolute

And more...
There's more, I'll write about it another day, but basically for example a ShadowRun 5 roll is used as:

SR5(DICE, HITLIMIT = false, GREMLIN = 0) -> [hits, glitch]++roll

and defined as:

ROLL = if (EDGE) { DICE d6e } else { DICE d6 } <'Roll: ' R>;
HITS = ROLL{>=5};
ONES = ROLL{<=1};
GLITCH = if (ONES > (DICE/2) - GREMLIN) { true } else { false };
LIMITEDHITS = if (HITLIMIT <= 0) { HITS } else { MIN_VALUE(HITS, HITLIMIT) } <R{sum} ' hits'>;
CRITICALGLITCH = if (GLITCH and LIMITEDHITS<=0) { true } else { false };


if (CRITICALGLITCH) { 'Critical glitch! ' }
else {
  if (GLITCH) { 'Glitch! ' }

(and yep, that works :D - try rolling SR5(7) for example)


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