Poll: What OS / Hardware do you use to run Skirmish! VT?

edited October 2016 in General Discussion
We are evaluating the feasibility of revamping the rendering engine of Skirmish! VT to make it a lot faster, support more features and (probably) support 3d models, but in a nutshell it might require a bump up the OS requirement from Windows 7 to 8.1/10.

So the question is, what Windows version do you use to run Skirmish! VT?
(If Windows 10 please specify if vanilla / November update / Anniversary update)
Also please specify if 32 or 64 bit if possible and the RAM of your system.
Oh, and if you can specify your Graphics Card + RAM, even better!

E.G. Windows 10 x64 (Anniversary Update) - 8GB RAM - ATI Radeon 290X with 4GB



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