Regain control of my server!

I gave one of my players DM rights, so her can try out SVT etc. using my published server.
He has created a new game where I only have player rights. So I don't have the ability to exit his game and load /create one of my own.

It's my server, but I no longer have control.
On this occasion it's not a problem. He's a friend (and I know where he lives...). But it could be a problem scenario. How can the Server owner bump out a game in this scenario?


  • xavi
    Administrator Administrator
    So basically you want to be able to close / reopen  the server remotely? (I'm assuming you have no means to do it manually) 
  • simonjhudson
    Member Member
    Actually we talked about that as the emergency fall back, but ideally I don't want to have to close the server, I just want to be able to close a session running on it from the server or manage the permissions of my account in any running game. Closing it remotely or locally would be the last resort, but I want to force a close of a game in progress, with the option to Save that game when doing so.
  • xavi
    Administrator edited May 2016 Administrator
    The problem with that is security. Even if it is your server you should not be able to save a game you are not the DM of (because then the server owner as a player could "cheat" by saving the game, loading it into another server and look at everything in dm mode while the other game is in progress).

    What can be done however is to be able from the client "join server list" to "reset" the server as it was opened anew (this is, it doesn't really close, but gets back to a state where it has an empty game where you are the dm). Would that be good enough?
  • simonjhudson
    Member Member
    None of us would never dream of cheating (where would be the fun in that :-) ) but I can see how it could be a problem in the wider context!

    Yes, that solution would work
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