Support for Pets/Familiars

edited July 2016 in Suggestions
Hi again!

First, let me say that if there's already support for one player to control more than one character, then this suggestion is probably irrelevant (aside perhaps the additional settings mentioned) and you can just disregard it. I haven't seen that though, but sorry if I just missed it.

Also, perhaps this is better suited for something that could be done with plugins, but I'll still throw this idea out there just in case:

The suggestion is basically to allow players to control additional characters to simulate pets or familiars, with additional settings that might be relevant to such a feature.

Additional settings could be things like setting the maximum possible range between the player and his/her pet or familiar and perhaps being able to link certain attributes or abilities between the two.

This could also be useful in a non-fantasy setting for things like remotely controlled drones or similar.




  • xavi
    Administrator edited July 2016 Administrator

    Yes, you can assign a player more than one character (even npcs actually).
    You can even decide if your player only can use their vision or have full control of them.

    To do so go to the Game menu - Manage accounts, on that window select the account, expand permissions on the right and there you will see two settings (which won't be grayed out if the account is a player one): Character control and Character vision.

    Character vision: Allows the user to use the vision of the given characters (names separated by ',' or ';'). Some special names may be used like 'all pcs', 'all hostile npcs', 'all neutral npcs', 'all npcs', and 'all'. DMs have this setting locked to 'all'.

    Character control: Allows the user the full control (minus vision) of the given characters (names separated by ',' or ';'). Some special names may be used like 'all pcs', 'all hostile npcs', 'all neutral npcs', 'all npcs', and 'all'. DMs have this setting locked to 'all'.

    Actually this even allows another player to only play with the "bad guys" as if it were an evil party without being a DM (meaning this player wouldn't know the whole map and could only see what his characters can see, making the match more even).

    As for the additional settings, that should be possible with a plugin and / or a RPG script for the (future) RPG rules plugin.

  • Smitemeister
    Administrator edited July 2016 Administrator
    Hi Knuckle, we will change this feature to be more accessible in the final release but as Xavi already said that's how it currently works in the open beta. :smile: 
  • Knucklehead
    Member Member
    Thanks for the replies and info, seem you guys have it covered, as always. :smile:

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