1. It's not easy to see the lines or vision blocking walls etc. Frequently the players discover gaps which means they can see in to rooms that they should not. At would be great if there were a Highlight walls view that really made the lines and other overlays stand out for testing (or greyed out the map so the lines are clearer)
2. Selective reapply FoW. Partly in response to inadvertent reveal and partly because there are other scenarios where the players may lose their knowledge of an area they have revealed, it would be useful to be able to draw a selection box and re-apply FoW to that area
3. Quick Save the existing game. Because we currently have to switch between multiple games in a session (to represent the players moving from one map to another etc), we need to be able to save a specific state of the game, so it can be retrieved again later. At the moment we have to go through the full Save As process - a simple Ctrl-S is needed.
4. Quick switch between recent maps/games. We have touched on this before, but we really need to have multiple games in memory (the suggestions is on different tabs); there were multiple times last night when the party were split between different parts of the dungeon and we had to keep saving and closing one game and opening the other, then go back again. It was pretty messy. At the very least w need a Recent Games list to pick from (though multiple map support is what we really needed).
Having said all that, the players loved the map exploration, FoW, lighting etc. I even started to get the hang of adding tokens quickly. We had 2 slates running, the DM controlling one and the players controlling the other while sitting at our gaming table. They really got into moving the tokens and then placing their miniatures on the tokens
We're busy atm finishing up the KS draft for you guys to take a look at.
P.S.: About your wall problem: You can change the color of every line such as the wall in the line options. Changing the wall color to neon yellow would make them more visible as long as we don't have a highlighting mechanism.
Feedback from the game group is good and gets better as I get slicker at using it.
Another request I found on a post it note from one of the players is to retain the view settings when switching games - e.g. grid dsiplay, window sizes etc.
1. A drow cast darkness. But we could find no way to paint or place actual darkness in an area already illuminated and explored. Currently the darkness setting isn't really dark, it's just not illuminated yet
2. Several times we would have liked to have a virtual ruler to measure the distance between things
3. The movement and vision blocking lines appeared on the players map and we couldn't find how to hide them
4. We need a way to load, save and manage a whole party. Also to move and group update a while party. So some one of group function
5. We need a way to throw up ad hoc media (mostly images, bit sound and video could be useful), without leaving SVT.
6. We need to be able to rotate the whole map for when we sit around a screen. Equally we need to be able to rotate imported maps (flip, rotate in 90* increments and even 1* increments
7. We really need to fix the control keys. Opening doors is a nightmare with anything except a full keyboard plus mouse
8. A more intuitive way to assign characters to players on the fly is needed
9. The distance units need to be made clearer. Currently a value of 5 means 5 5' squares, so 25' distance. There needs to be an option to just set it in feet (or metres)
As usual, having said all that, it went well. We used an isometric view map for the first time and were surprised at how effective it was.