New type of line


When adding walls etc to mark out buildings in cities, towns etc, I find that I can easily add walls that denote the outline of the building, and so block line of sight beyond the building, but these also block the building itself. The consequence is that players can't tell that there is a building there, as the opaque line type blocks that.

Ideally we need a new line type, which is a Blocking Object line. These allow you to see the image of the area they enclose, but block line of sight beyond the enclosed area.

I think it may be possible to create this effect with Foreground, but that's not so great when using existing battlemap images, unless one has an advanced image editor and the time to set it up. The Blocking Object type allows rapid line of sight on existing maps with no editing of the image file.


  • Kepli
    Member Member
    I second this line option. 
  • xavi
    Administrator Administrator
    Did you try half-opaque lines? They extend the vision a bit over the line itself to be able to show a bit of what's beneath them.
  • Kepli
    Member Member
    I didn't see the difference until now between opaque and half-opaque. Perhaps half-opaque needs to show a bit more ...
  • simonjhudson
    Member Member
    I just gave the semi-opaque a try (I didn't know that line type existed).
     It doesn't really do what I need, as it barely shows the blocked content. Maybe if the opacity could be set it might allow a degree of control.

    The other way to do it, though, would be to have a Reveal Tile type, which forces display of the underlying image regardless of the status of lines.
  • xavi
    Administrator edited May 2016 Administrator
    Hmm, I'd need to think about it to see what can be done. As a workaround for the time being you could try to show the whole map even when it has not been explored (Game - map settings - fog of war mode - unexplored is barely visible) or alternatively enclose the building with a transparent wall and then put right inside the perimeter a vision blocking - walkable line.
  • simonjhudson
    Member Member
    I hadn't thought of doing a transparent will and then an semi-opaque wall, that might be a workaround.
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