Currently, things like walls, fences, doors and areas defining dynamic lighting, vision and moving is handled by manually drawing "lines" to define them on a map.
However, I was wondering if perhaps it would be helpful for this information to be placed in a specific and separate sort of "dynamic properties layer(s)" as an optional alternative solution?
The idea being that all of these different areas could be contained in either one layer, where different properties are defined by using specific colors (for example red for doors, green for walls, various other colors for different types of terrain etc), or split the different properties over different images/layers.
At least for some maps, it might be easier and more effective to just "paint" in this information using your graphics program of choice (Gimp, PS etc). Especially when making your own maps from scratch, as this dynamic layer could be part of the creation process and then included as a finished solution for anyone else using it.
Anyway, just a thought I had.
When it comes down to dynamics we would probably think along the lines of walls changing in real time with designated objects like cars or trucks for example. This way a truck could move/behave like a token and also obstruct vision at the same time. In a similar fashion torch props could be switched to lit or unlit by being able to flip their lighting radius from x to 0 with a simple click of a button. However, we need to check how that would work codewise.
Can't wait to see what you come up with. Out the VT's currently out there, I think Skirmish seems to be the most promising, especially when it comes to long term potential.
Keep up the good work and I'm very much looking forward to the Kickstarter!