I have a problem with hosting.
This is not the only game I have this problem with and I guess it is because of my ISP, who is only using IPv6 and something called "Dual-Stack Lite" .
I am not realy sure how this works or how to avoid this issue as a developer, but the thing is that my IPv4 address is kind of "emulated" and therefore it causes issues.
If you could check for an IPv6 address and use this for hosting/connecting instead of the IPv4 (or let the user pick) this would be awesome and also should avoid portforwarding, if I am informed correctly that IPv6 doesnt require that.
This is what it looks for me when starting the server: (UPnP Successful, but not reachable. In my router there are no options for port-forwarding)
Another game I had issues with was Tabletop Simulator, but since they added "NAT Punchtrough" it works for me.