Character reposition in Player mode

With movement blocking enabled, players can only move their character tokens along allowed routes. However sometimes we need to do full repositioning without regard to their allowed movement rates (and where do we set the amount of movement allowed by a token - damned if I can find that in the 5E extension settings?). The DM can do it, but I can't find a way to allow this in the player mode.


  • Smitemeister
    Administrator edited March 2016 Administrator
    Hi Simon, go to plug-ins and add the experimental movement restrictor plug-in. It works per token as follows:

    Button 1: Turns movement counter on and off
    Field 1: Current movement points left for moving
    Button 2: Reset current movement points to maximum movement points
    Field 2: Maximum movement points

    We know the movement plug-in is very bare-bones at the moment but we have some nice plans for it (as listed on the "Home" page)
  • xavi
    Administrator Administrator
    You mean you'd want the DM to be able to "teleport" characters while in player mode?
    About the amount of movement allowed by a token, enable the movement restrictor plugin. After that each character should have a new field on their panel where you can enter if the movement is restricted or not, how many points he has available, the max points and a <- button if you want to reset the current points to the max.
  • simonjhudson
    Member Member
    I clearly need to investigate the plugs a bit more - I had missed that!

    Yes, a 'teleport' might do it, but not in a game mechanic way, I just want to let the DM or even the players to move their tokens without restriction when required. If they have to traverse a long street, if nothing happens I don't want them to have to make every move individually, but just move everyone to the end of the street quickly and then resume exploration. i.e. not everything is run in initiative order and move restricted during play.
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