Tonight I was messing around in Skirmish trying to set up light sources on a campfire I have in my session tomorrow. The only problem is the Skirmish does not recognize my campfire token for me to import it. Problem
So instead of trying to import the image for the prop, I simply added a new one. That worked until it came to adding light. It didn't give off the light I attached to it. The light was bright on a dark map so I should have been able to see the campfire since I set the radius to 10. However, when I switched to Player mode, my character token could not see the campfire light. If I move the token near the token, it can see that. But the lighting does not work. Problem
It's not a real big deal but odd that you can't import tokens to use on beta and that lighting doesn't work on characters or props (I tried both). Only vision.
Vision distance in Skirmish! is the absolute maximum a character is able to view (independent whether there is light beyond that range or not). However, everything that is not illuminated within a token's vision distance cannot be seen by that token.
That being said, importing props is still not possible. You have to add the prop direct by clicking New > Prop. Importing (Import > Prop) doesn't work. It won't recognize JPG or PNG files. It appears to be looking for files with the *.Skirmish!Prop extension. When you import a file, it says that it is imported but you cannot see the file in the Prop Browser. If you attempt to import the same file, it will alert you that you already have imported it and do you want to replace it. So it is recognizing the file somehow but it is not viewable. Trying to import Characters does the same exact thing.
Portrait images can be imported because I have six of them I have been working with. But the only way to add characters and props at this point is not to import them but add them direct. Not a biggie. As long as they can be added, it's a good deal.