I just discovered this and so far it look very promising.
I understand this project is supposed to be system-agnostic.
However, are there any plans to have the possibility of building a framework/ruleset for specific systems, whether provided by the devs or by the community?
I'm talking about things such as character sheets with relevant attributes, dice rolls for common actions, calculating dice pools and modifiers based on variables, perhaps validity checks, too.
For example, in DnD5e:
- A character sheet tracking Race, Alignment, Attributes, Skills, Proficiencies,
- Automatically calculating modifiers to a certain roll (attribute modifier, proficiency, other situational modifiers) directly within the roll macro.
- A way to track initiative directly from within the roll (sending the roll result + modifier dierectly to the initiative tracker)
- Validity checks on attributes (Cannot have more than a natural value of 20 in any attribute for PCs)
Another example, Shadowrun 5e:
- Tracking metatype, attributes, skills, spell effects, gear, 'ware, bonded foci, lifestyles etc... on the character sheet.
- calculating derived stats and modifiers autmatically, for specific actions (limits, including situational modifiers such as adept powers, condition monitor boxes and wound modifiers...)
- Automatically determining dice pools and limits for certain actions (grabbing the attributes, adding relevant modifiers and limits, perhaps even allowing situational modifiers such as smartlinks and other modifiers based on the map, such as range and visibility)
- Initative rolling and tracking (getting the correct dicepool based on whether a character is in meatspace, astral or the matrix, rolling and sending that result to the initiative tracker)
- Tracking initiative changes (interrupt actions, electrical damage, wounds, new initiative pass...)
- Validity checks (es, racial maximums for attributes)
Again, not asking if you plan to implement these rulesets directly, just if you are planning on having the possibility to do so, whether directly or via community-maintained plugins/addons.