Few suggestions (turned into a lot of suggestions)

edited September 2016 in Suggestions
  • This game needs the DM and players to be able to ping the map. I played my first game of D&D last night on this software and we needed pinging, even when in Teamspeak together. Also, this program is really awesome!
  • I read somewhere on here that someone already recommended multiple maps on a tab system. I would love to have tabs up top where as DM I can force people to switch between so for instance if they start out in a pub and walk outside and go south down a road... The road cuts off, to my understanding I have to LOAD the map below it so they can continue playing... Then God forbid they want to go back to the pub... It's even more of a load as well. As I said I played for my first time last night and it was the biggest issue with our game.
  • Tool Tips!!! This would be such a cool feature, let the DM add tool tips so when players hover over a Table or a door or a window or even a sign it shows a text tool tip that the DM has set. BONUS: Let us add images like logos for our own taverns/inns and build our own assets for that.
  • Auto-Save Our server crashed once and it was saved just before... luckily, An auto-save feature for every * minutes would be fantastic.
  • NPC routes, I would love to see a feature where the DM can set a route for characters to walk. Make a pub feel a bit more alive, I in no way mean to have fully functioning AI, but if I want an NPC to talk from A to B every * minutes, it could add just that little bit of variable and not make me as DM do it everytime.
  • Treasure Chests | Animated chests that can be placed in levels for the party to open and the DM has placed gold/items in them.
  • Shops for custom items | Access for a DM to turn an NPC into a shop where party members can purchase items also created by the DM.
  • Props that can be picked up. If one of the party members on an adventure sees a torch, he should be able to pick it up and carry it around. Same as a coffee mug or a sword on a wall.
  • Music Library/Map Music Playlist: My guys had a blast when we brought in a Teamspeak Bot and played music over it, but it would be cool to have a volume/playlist for the DM to sync the music to everyone for each piece to a campaign/mission.
  • Webcam implementation | On the right side by the map it would be cool if we could see small video screens for our webcams.
  • VoIP implementation | My guys will likely always use Teamspeak, but... I think a lot of people could use this I am sure.

All and all, so far loving it and it's because of this team that I have started playing D&D after 10 years of wanting to.

edit: I only had like 4 suggestions to start...


  • Smitemeister
    Administrator Administrator
    Hi, thanks a lot for your feedback. Some of the suggestions you mention here are part of the stretch goals (items to pick up = inventory system) and some others could easily be added (such as the tool tips, auto-saving).

    While we will certainly enable streaming of music and provide an ambient sfx library for Skirmish!, unfortunately as of yet we have no plans to provide VoIP or webcam chat as there are a lot of professional and free services which do this quite efficiently. Coding an entire webcam and VoIP system would take a lot of time which we'd rather spent on other aspects of our platform.
    However, depending on how the Skirmish! platform develops this topic might be worth a discussion some time after the kickstarter campaign has ended.

    As for animations, etc. it is too early to confirm anything yet, but we are currently running tests on making animations and real-time lights a possibility. ;)
  • Turbo123
    Member Member
    Awesome, the VoIP and Webcam system isn't even a selling point to me because of those free services. But maybe you can work with one of their API's and add in a system for ease of use within the game after the full release. Thanks for the info! The hype is totally real for me and my friends for this VTT!
  • CJ569
    Member edited October 2016 Member
    I'm enjoying the idea of animated tokens/props (chests, avatars, fountains, ect) or backgrounds (water, lava, moving grass, ect).

    Perhaps they could have "States". What I mean is, say you have a background prop thats a pressure plate that blends in with the ground kindof, it has no animation and sits there (State A). But if a token/prop is placed on top of said pressure plate it will animate into a sunken position (State B. From that point forward it will stay sunken into the floor (State C) till the DM deems otherwise.
    • StateA = Prop_non-active.png
    • StateB = Animation into StateC (.gif) that is set to play for [x] time before going to StateC
    • StateC = Prop_active.png

    Its just an idea I felt throwing out there 

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