

Fellow adventurers,

For anyone wondering: Yes, we are still alive and yes, Skirmish! is still in development. We are still implementing features into the new build. Also: Bugfixing. Although it is taking longer than expected, we need the software to be bug-free before we want to add more features so we don't run into problems later on.

6 years ago

Progress: Polygonal fog of war

Fellow adventurers,

While we are still very busy porting features to the new environment, today we'd like to inform you that (as you can see on the screenshot) polygonal fog of war has been successfully implemented.

6 years ago

Progress: Compatibility & smart menu update

Fellow adventurers,
Today we'd like to give some more insight into the progress of our big Skirmish! update.

7 years ago

Progress: Tab system & tablet support

Fellow adventurers,

Today we like to announce that the base of the new tab system is already working. Once completed it will enable the loading of multiple maps and a host of other information all neatly sorted in different tabs. This is the first step for the ability of Skirmish! to store complete campaigns together with all relevant maps and characters within one single file. However, not only have we made progress on the main Skirmish! software. We'd also like to share that development of tablet and smartphone support is well underway. While smartphone support is designed mainly for showing/editing character sheets, item descriptions, the minimap and rolling (animated!) dice, tablet support will offer a more convenient solution when using map controls due to the bigger display. 

7 years ago

Free beta access & Skirmish! VT development continues

Fellow adventurers,

We know, it has been calm around Skirmish! for a while. Sometimes taking the step from turning a private passion into a public project - with all the calculations and general economic factors that come with it - can make you lose sight of what the project is about at its core. We needed to get some distance to reevaluate Skirmish! and where we plan to go with it.

7 years ago

The future of Skirmish! VT

Fellow adventurers, the kickstarter campaign has ended with roughly 10k Euro of the needed 15k Euro. Even though we did not reach our funding goal this time we would like to thank all of you who have supported us thus far. Javier and I will discuss the next steps such as the possibility to allow access to the beta once more and how to make adjustments for a future campaign (eg: to give more people a chance to pledge for the higher pledge levels). We will let you know about our decisions as soon as possible.

8 years ago

Kickstarter is now LIVE!

Fellow adventurers, the Kickstarter campaign is now LIVE!

8 years ago

Skirmish! Kickstarter launching on October 25th, 2016

Fellow Skirmishers, we would like to announce that the kickstarter campaign for Skirmish! will launch on October 25th, 2016!

8 years ago

Recommended update: Client, Server 3.0.3b

A new recommended update has been released. This update fixes many installation problems, so if you ever had an installation problem give it a go!

8 years ago

Updated kickstarter draft page now online!

Fellow adventurers, the updated kickstarter preview page is now available!

8 years ago

Also remember to check our page