Fellow Skirmishers,
The final version of the kickstarter page is now on-line: have tried to work in as many of the features you requested and we hope we didn't forget anyone.
We have yet to change the cover image and edit the video to include more scenes of footage of Skirmish!. It could also be that we will make some minor adjustments on stretch goals but all in all this is what to expect. Note that we do have some more stretch goals planned which we will reveal as the campaign goes on.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the preview page, feel free to post below.
I must say that I'm little disappointed with KS core features and stretch goals.
Stretch goals that you listed are features that should be core features in the first place. Especially campaign management, fog of war, UI expansion and tactical expansion. According to your reply to my suggestions, I was under impression that campaign management will be (or already is) in core features.
So, I would like to ask do you plan to implement features mentioned in stretch goals even if you don't manage to reach stretch goals in KS campaign?
I'll check the campaign page again to make sure the point comes across more clearly.
Edit: I fixed the wording to make it more clear.
Oh btw, the campaign features were a priority among our beta users as well as the additional fog of war features so we listed them as our first stretch goals. Once we are funded they are very likely to be reached.
I have just tried out the beta btw and it's a truly awesome foundation. I'm trying to manage my expectations but I sure do wish you all the best. This could easily be the best VTT on the market if you get the funding you need.
#1 the fully functional core as a relatively low priced main goal + stretch goals (current model) or
#2 a full priced all-in-one main goal.
Now imagine we reach 30k. In scenario #2 we would not be funded and the project would be cancelled. In scenario #1 though, Skirmish! would come to exist and also get some stretch goal features + the chance to develop... and you could even start building your own plug-ins using the open API.
Btw, thanks for the heads up on the free drawing and ping features. We'll check up on that. I know they are common in various on-line tools/mobas but I hadn't noticed they were already a standard among existing VTTs. If it is really that common we may consider moving it up to the main goal.
I understand your reasoning and although I don't fully agree with it, I wish you all the best with it. I'll surely support you in KS. It's enough for me that you'll implement all features eventually and continue to support SK!
Btw, I agree with Exxar's opinion about free drawing, map ping etc. I think that I tried almost all VTT outhere in the last 8-9 years and even older and free VTTs have this features.
P.S. because of SK! open API, maybe I'll finally start learning C#
I do agree about the ping/free-form drawing though. It's been there since maptool and FG which were the earliest well known VTTs.
"Where's that log?"
*draws crude log*
"Ok, I brace against it!"
"I don't get the description"
*Draws representation of statue arm positions*
"Ah.. so it's like that, so I can conceivably tilt it that way."
It's easier to improvise on the spot, and draw maps like you would in person for super low prep games. (IE: got back from a work trip, and need to either cancel, or run a bare bones game... after all, TTRPGS are mainly fueled by imagination so if you can run a good game, there's no real need for graphics)
"Where's that thing you mentioned again"
-- "Well it's by the X and right of the Y, see it?"
"Where's that thing you mentioned again?"
I'll probably run this in virtual box.
Thanks for the info, guys.
Any guess on time frame when Closed Beta will open? Won't hold you to it, I promise.
Well, the good thing about Skirmish! is that it works / can be updated in a modular fashion, so closed beta access should be a lot earlier than the public release or the early access. However, I'd rather leave the answer up to Javi, since he has a better view on the coding process.
Btw, then you'd rather prefer a bigger main goal instead of many stretch goals? If so, which stretch goals would you move to the main goal and which would you leave as stretch goals?
It need not be something complex, a simple list with editable numbers where you can drag/drop entries up and down (for ready/hold/delay); with an option to sort.
Advanced initiative tracking akin to something like shadow run does, or usage of cards I'd see as 35k. But a basic little list would work great for something initial.
I have prince level backing so chances are before I can even run a game, I'll have to write my own tracker for sanity purposes as 10+ creatures in combat are the norm for my games at higher levels as things get complex.