I think it would be a good idea if
all options were also accessible through the main drop-down menus on the top left as a default and in addition to any icons in the top bar (generally placed on the left-hand side).
(Sidenote: Also, it would be nice if we would customize what icons to display in the top bar, as to create your own personal toolbar with the features you want quick access to).
Point in case being the default "Package manager" location (currently only being an icon on the far top right) is not very intuitive and should probably be accessible through the "File" menu as well.
In fact, I have to admit that the first time I tried to import the free packages, I couldn't find the import package option and had to go to the forums to learn how to do it.

In general, anything that has to do with the opening, importing or saving of content and files, should be in the "File" menu, as that's most likely the first place anyone will look.
Please note that I'm
not saying that we shouldn't be able to still have the "Package manager" quickly accessible through the current top/right icon, I just think that it should
also be listed in the "File" menu.
IMO, the top/left drop down menu should be the default option (and allow access to
all functions) while the icons on the top bar should primarily serve as an additional "easy access" option to some features that you'd want to be able to use often and access quickly (DM mode being a good example of this).
Anyway, just my personal opinion, but I'm pretty sure it would be more intuitive with at least all of the file-related functions to be present in the "File" menu and not just as icons alone.
And I agree with Cyderak on his points
@Kepli: Did Cyderak also make a thread/post with similar points to the ones I made in this thread? If so, I couldn't find it and it would be appreciated if you could direct me to it so I can check it out.
Regardless, no double-posting was intended on my part, so sorry if I did.
@Xavi; Saw your additions to the recent update, thanks man!