Some UI Editing Suggestions

edited April 2016 in Suggestions

Just a couple of suggestions that I think could make the UI more intuitive and quicker to use in terms of editing the battlefield (DM mode):

Fully implement standard keyboard shortcuts for editing, such as Ctrl-C (copy), Ctrl-X (cut), Ctrl-V (paste) and Ctrl-Z (undo).

While Ctrl-C seems to work for copying some things, the rest of the shortcuts doesn't seem to do anything. Especially Ctrl-Z would be very helpful whenever making editing mistakes, for example drawing a wall where it doesn't belong or deleting it by mistake.

Make deleting stuff easier by enabling the Delete key as well as adding shortcut key + mouse click combination (for example Ctrl + Left mouse click = delete) .

Currently, it seem you have to select the "Tile/Line Eraser" from the Tools menu in order to delete walls you have drawn, which is pretty tedious. Just pressing delete or a key shortcut + mouse click combination would be better IMO.

Implement a "box selection" feature, where you can for example press and hold down left mouse button and draw a box around objects to select them.

This would be helpful for quick selection, especially when wanting to select several objects for copying or deleting them.

That's all I can think of right now, but the general idea is to add more keyboard shortcuts and features that will minimize/eliminate the need to go through menus for basic editing tasks.



  • Smitemeister
    Administrator edited April 2016 Administrator
    We hear you; the thing is we intend to revamp the UI quite a bit to make it more intuitive and "game-like" which will involve changing a few functions and by extension their shortcuts and make any current shortcuts obsolete. So for the beta you unfortunately only have the quick copy shortcut to work with. Sorry :blush: 
  • Knucklehead
    Member Member
    Sounds great, nice to hear you have plans for this.

    Another thing that I forgot to mention in my OP which would be nice if possible to implement, is a drag-and-drop feature for objects, maps and various characters (i.e. being able to directly drag them onto the battlefield from the menu or folder).

    That would probably also help it to become even more "game-like" and intuitive as it's a common standard today for software in general.

    Thanks for your reply and looking forward to backing this on Kickstarter! :smile:

  • Smitemeister
    Administrator Administrator
    Oh, forgot to reply; we Javi did add a few more shortcuts. I think ctrl + del to delete a token completely and ctrl + backspace to take it off the map. I'll check if there are more :>
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