Pure LAN mode - port 32000 avoidance


It looks like all traffic goes out of port 32000, over the internet and back, even when the server and all the clients are on the same LAN.

Can we have a LAN only mode where we don't need to open port 32000? That should simplify things, allow for scenarios where the port can't be opened and also improve latency.


  • xavi
    Administrator Administrator
    Actually skirmish uses the LAN connection automatically to connect your other computers to your servers if they are under the same LAN. Still, the port needs to be kept open to allow computers from outside the LAN to join the game (and this "matchmaking" avoids the issue of having to know what IP what computer has). 
  • simonjhudson
    Member Member

    OK, that makes good sense and it is excellent that it does round trip via the internet if not needed. Nevertheless there will be cases where the port cannot be opened (basically any time you are outside you home environment - so I can't play form work, even though it's my company, since we don't allow even owners to muck about with the firewall/router); yet play within the LAN would be all we needed in that scenario.

    It's not a big problem for me (as I play from home), but I can see it being a hurdle for some folk, who don't need matchmaking but do want to use Skirmish VT.

  • xavi
    Administrator Administrator
    Just wondering, did you try leaving a server open at home and connecting the client from work? ;)
  • simonjhudson
    Member Member
    That's a good thought - no, I haven't tried that.

    I have just installed the server on my HomeServer2011, using port 32001. That all went very smoothly, so I can try the remote connection from work etc. when I am out and about. I may even try it from the ski lodge in France next week!
    Hopefully this means I can have an always up server, and use whichever client I have at hand. Will continue to let you know how it goes.
  • xavi
    Administrator Administrator
    I'm glad that worked well  B)
  • xavi
    Administrator edited May 2016 Administrator
    Added a new LAN-only mode so you can connect to the server in your LAN even if no port could be opened.
  • simonjhudson
    Member Member
    Excellent. I have pretty much fixed mine now and have it running on my server. But it's a good feature to have.

    Next server related idea... when there is a mandatory update required, send the owner of the server an email/notification to run the update. I had a situation where a player contacted me to say my server was down; in fact it was up but their client had been updated  and wouldn't talk to the server but I hadn't spotted that.
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