In order to foster constructive discussions in a safe, friendly environment, we take our forum rules very seriously and expect our community members to treat each other with respect, even when disagreeing. These guidelines will help you contribute to the community!
- Never insult another member of the community
- Respect other community members, whether they agree with you or not
- Make constructive, on-topic posts that add to the discussion
Following these guidelines will ensure a great community experience for everyone. Note that violating the rules can lead to infractions and eventually to suspensions of your posting privileges.
Post GuidelinesThe purpose of these forums is to create a productive and inviting space in which users can discuss, seek help, and give feedback on Skirmish! VT. Posts that do not contribute to this end are subject to removal per the judgment of forum staff. Users that regularly violate rules or who are disruptive are subject to disciplinary action (bans) per the judgment of forum staff.
Use the search featureDuplicate content will be removed to promote the usefulness of this forum. Repeat reposting will result in a temporary ban.
Be descriptiveOther users may have similar but different ideas or problems. The more information that is provided the more productive your post will be.
Calling out Moderators and OfficialsAvoid creating threads with the names of the Admins, Mods or other employees in the title. Threads posted in this manner will be locked.
Do not post in all capsIf you do, your content will be removed and you will receive a temporary ban.
No swearingSwearing and profanity are not allowed in any post or comment made to any site.
Unwanted topicsPosts and user feeds that contain the following elements, per the judgment of forum staff, are not permitted:
• Obscenity
• Sexism
• Racism
• Personal defamation
• Harassment
• Encouragement of illegal activity
• Spamming and/or necroing threads (posting on threads that have not been posted on in months in order to spam the forums)
• Repeat posting
• All-caps posts and thread titles
• Flaming
• “Bumps” - including 'necroing' threads
• Advertising
• Political and religious discussions
• "Official" threads
• Discussion of moderation.
Users that promote illegal activity will be banned indefinitely.
Users that post real-life threats will be banned indefinitely.
Users that promote hacking, torrenting, or exploits will be banned indefinitely.
Users posting **** material will be banned indefinitely.
Users posting the personal details of other users will be banned indefinitely.
Users that impersonate forum staff or employees will be banned indefinitely.
Forums staff will enforce these rules with the editing or removal of content and banning of offending posters. Repeat offenders will be me met with prolonged or indefinite bans.
Naming and ShamingNaming and shaming is not permitted on the forum. It is not productive and does not expedite action taken against these users. Any references of this type will be removed.
I’ve been banned from posting on the Community Forums – What do I do?Take a break, go for a walk, play some Skirmish! VT – it’s not a big deal. We’re not mad at you, you’re not in trouble – you just need a break. Do not post or complain about your ban. This will result in an extension of your ban. Temporary bans are not subject to appeal. If you feel that you have been long-termed banned incorrectly please contact us or submit an email.
Being temporarily banned from posting means that you have broken the rules of the forum or have not been participating in a constructive fashion. Please review the rules and guidelines as posted above. A short-term ban is our way of preventing further disruptive behavior and asking you to reexamine your behavior.
Being temporarily banned from posting will not prevent you from accessing your products.