Always center on map (i.e. while moving)


Couldn't find this feature, so apologies if it's already is and I just didn't see it. If it's not, then here's my suggestion:

There's already a "Center on map" option available when right-clicking on the character whenever you want to zoom in on it.

However, how about something like a "Always center on map" option? The idea being that the character is always centered on the map, even while moving.

Again, sorry if this is already an option and I just missed it.



  • Smitemeister
    Administrator edited March 2016 Administrator
    Thanks for your suggestion and there's absolutely no need to be sorry. We have not added this a feature yet but I will add it to the list of suggestions and discuss it with Javier (our coder). Btw, if you're uncertain or curious about Skirmish! features we added a list of current and planned features to the "Home" page.

    Have fun! :>
  • simonjhudson
    Member Member

    I like this idea.

    Since we always play together around a table we generally use group view rather than individual player view. So we would want the Dynamic Centre option to pick some arbitrary centre point within the party ( i.e. the nominal centre of the party) to represent the group view; or select a single character/token to act as the Dynamic Centre point.

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