Save Screen

When saving its hard to tell if I can use the software or not.

If you could have a "Saving" message pop up maybe with a random cool little image along with the message to let you know it is still saving and that the user should not try to use Skirmish while it is saving. 


  • xavi
    Administrator Administrator
    Good point! Noted :D
  • simonjhudson
    Member Member
    On a somewhat similar theme of Saves, it would be very useful to be able to save snapshots of the state of a game, to act as a history of key events. We generally play once every 4 -8 weeks (but for a whole weekend when we do), so a big part of the challenge for us is remembering what happened last time (we are experienced players so our synapses are slowed by age and alcohol). The ability to pull back a history in the form of a series of saved states would be hugely helpful, especially over the course of a long campaign. Adding play notes/commentary to the saves would be even better.
  • Smitemeister
    Administrator edited March 2016 Administrator
    Good idea, actually I did have a similar thought like adding some sort of auto-saves during a session and also when ending a session. Thanks Simon, this is exactly the kind of feedback we're looking for. By the way, we will shortly update the website with a "features and planned features list" to give you a bit of an insight to where we're headed with Skirmish! VT. Keep the feedback coming :>
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