Allow drawings (lines, walls etc) to not snap to grid

The forced line snapping is problematic. Many, many of my maps don't assume that walls etc. sit nicely on the 5x5 grid. Anything organic/natural don't conform the grids. Anything with curves likewise.

Can you provide a mechanism to NOT snap please? and ideally a polygon tool and a Bezier curve tool (with an option to force circular arcs).

Line repositioning would be nice too, as would the ability to multi select lines to delete them or change their properties


  • Smitemeister
    Administrator Administrator
    Noted the line function additions. :>

    The free drawing mode for the Fog of War is on our list as a planned feature once the next kickstarter campaign gets rolling. We will give you a heads up of all planned features within the following days.

  • PatouLeFou
    Member Member
    Can't wait to see the new stuff!
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