Uploading and Manipulating Maps

Is there a way to move the uploaded map to fit the program's grid? If there is I have not found a way.  I have tried moving the cursers to match the map's grid and whenever I get close, the program grid falls outside the lines of the original map. The two grids match in size but not in location. If this is not a option now, it should be. 


  • Smitemeister
    Administrator Administrator
    Hi, the update in progress incorporates polygonal fog of war (that can be unlocked from the grid to cope with maps aren't broken down into tiles) and map importing options are also extended. Thank you for taking the time to give us a heads up anyways. :)
  • Kepli
    Member Member
    I  can't wait to start using the polygonal FoW. I currently have to muck around a bit with map sizes and such to get nice FoW shadows. It works, but using polygonal FoW would be miles better.
  • Gryfenhain
    Member Member

    is there an Option to go from one map to another. 
    I tested the teleport with stairs for little rooms, but is it possible to Change from an Town to the sewers. Both are big Maps.

  • Smitemeister
    Administrator Administrator
    Hi, the open beta does not support multiple maps to be loaded. However, the feature is already implemented in our new internal version. There is a tab system where multiple maps or floors can be loaded and the characters are able to move between them.
  • Gryfenhain
    Member edited February 2019 Member

    thx for your quick reaction. Goods news, i' m looking forward next version. :)

  • Kepli
    Member Member
    Awesome. This will help a lot with all the houses my thief group have to go through :)
  • MazeBall
    Member Member
    I also think it'd be crucial to be able to move the custom map while adjusting the grid size. The way it is it's near impossible to match my custom maps to the grid ...

    It'd be also extremely helpful to be able to define a relation between grid and map (e.g. 2 sq = 1 m) which is being taken into account when it comes to calculating movement range (e.g. a character who can move 24 m each turn will be able to move 48 sq with the relation above).

  • Jakniefe
    Member Member
    In theory, would trimming our maps to exact perfect squares for our existing grid fix the issue of not being able to align with the Skirmish grid? Anyone try this and have success? 
  • Jakniefe
    Member Member
    I trimmed the edges of my map files to exactly the edge of my grid externally and it did, in fact, work. I can adjust the Skirmish grid to fit just right (I'm old-school AD&D so each square is about 3' in Skirmish and I cheat down my 10'x 10' game grid from the old modules to 9' x 9'). Now if I could get the line tools to not arbitrarily snap to grid, life would be grand.
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