How to attack


I started trying this out with a friend but I cant seem to have the option to attack. How can this be done?

Is there a way to create spells that apply an area of effect and deals damage to everyone caught? 
Can I create skill (for example D&D 5E)?

thank you :)


  • Deathanian
    Member Member
    I am fairly new but I will attempt to assist with the attacking question. I am assuming since this is a VTT that you dont just click and attack. Most tabletop rpg's require some sort of dice action by the player characters. For this reason I believe it's required you use dice and follow the ruleset of the game system you are playing.

    The A.O.E is a question I dont know the answer to *yet*.
  • Smitemeister
    Administrator edited September 2017 Administrator
    Actually the new user interface (as it is planned now) would allow a context menu where you can then click to attack and Skirmish! will use the attack structure (aka roll the dice mechanic) according to the RPG system that has been set up in the character stats plug-in.

    However, this does not work in the current beta. Coding it is a very complex process, especially if you want to support multiple RPG systems.
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